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in search of the Heidelburg Pakistani

Title:in search of the Heidelburg Pakistani
Caption:we walked up and down the Ave, searching for the Pakistani man whose best friend works at a crepe stand in Heidelberg. When we finally found him, he was so filled with joy, he gave us a free calandar.
Parent Places: List of Places > Everything > Seattle > Stephanie came to town again > Wayne's World Weekend
Added by:SKUFFZ
Date Taken:0000-00-00
Place:Wayne's World Weekend
Date Added: 07:52 PM on Mar 8, 2005
Click for: Original Picture

By: Creme_De_La_Creme
the description of this picture really pleases me, even though i know it is all fact.

Re: Pleasure via description
By: Mork the Delayer
I as well. I had forgotten that this was indeed the context of this picture, and by reading this, experienced the whole weekend anew.

Re: Re: Pleasure via description
By: Anonymous
Ah, sweet rebirth of memory!