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MAINZ: movable type

Title:MAINZ: movable type
Caption:We stopped in Mainz (Germany) for a few hours to check out the much anticipated Gutenberg Museum (Johannes Gutenberg, whose hometown was Mainz, invented the printing press in the 1400's and printed, among other things, the famed Gutenberg Bible, thereby establishing a new precident for the distribution of information in the Western world; unfortunately he died penniless and was only posthumously appreciated). One of Gutenberg's innovations was the concept of movable type, and this photo is of me in the square outside the museum, posing with a cement block, which, though made to resemble a block of movable type, is probably not itself easily movable. Ironic?
Parent Places: List of Places > Everything > Stephanie Went to Europe
Added by:SKUFFZ
Date Taken:0000-00-00
Place:Stephanie Went to Europe
Date Added: 12:26 AM on Oct 14, 2004
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