NerdPics The story of a nerd, his pictures, and the database that holds them.
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Squamish 09

Description:We came to climb.
Parent Places: List of Places > Everything > Canada
Child Places: No Children
Pictures contained in this place:

Too early

Some large number of hours of driving later

The Chief

The Chief

Kevin learning to climb

Our Fearful Leader

Comin' down

Carla making us look bad

Pretty much my favorite park ever.

Our climb, day two

If you didn't plant it, it isn't aid.

Mount Garibaldi in the background

Scenic climbing

Adam leads


I got to be lazy at this belay

Good views whlie waiting to climb.

Garibalid again.

Topped out

Slackline slingshot FAIL

Pagan God of Slackline

My apprentice ninja training

Coffee and bagels for breakfast

More slackline practice

Bouldering on Monday morning

Kevin's got his eyes on the prize

Carla tries it barefoot

"Big hitter, the dalai lama."

Looking for a piece