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STO '06


Pronounced 'stoog'.

I rode my bike from Seattle to Oakland in 2006. I didn't start taking pictures until I reached the Oregon coast, so there's a portion of the trip not represented. The first four days are represented in some blog entries.

Parent Places: List of Places > Everything
Child Places: No Children
Pictures contained in this place:

Oregon South of Lincoln City

Oregon, maybe somewhere around Newport

Some chunk of land in Oregon sticking into the Pacific Ocean

Looks like California?

Bridges, yay!

Oregon Dunes.


Bay at Cape Arago

um a panorama to the left of the last one

south end of the bay.. maybe a panoramic deal, maybe not

more of those bridges


bike guys

beach rocks



whooole thing

rugged coastline

lighthouse observing bicycle via telescope

really nice beachside campsite

to the right, continuous with the last one

forest biking
