NerdPics The story of a nerd, his pictures, and the database that holds them.
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Winter-ish 2006 Miscellaneous

Description:When i was little i thought "miscellaneous" was the prettiest word in the world.
Parent Places: List of Places > Everything > just some erika shit no biggie
Child Places: No Children
Pictures contained in this place:

Meg & E.

Old / Cold Friends


Nothin' New

Ladies' Night Crew

Together at long last

Blue and Blue-like

Breakfast at Julia's

Weird Light

Dinner Table

Benny the wise

Bored... i guess

Instant Passport Pictures

Pike's Lites at Nite

X-mas City

J. Richman!

Springtime in New York / Christmas in Seattle

My Christmas Tree

Christmas Lights

Timeless Holiday Hits


Merry Fucking X-Mas

Star of Wonder

Poinsettia Head


Merry Christmas, Frank

Merry Christmas, Bing

Carrie got ponies